….Another EPIC HYA Tees List

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

…. but there’s a link to one!

I can confess to asking @hideyourarms what he was listing when he said there was going to be another HYA ‘EPIC’ list.


“Ha!  Bean Been there, done that” I said – and I had, on this very blog, and knowing what a great opportunity this was to share Redbubblers’ work – I sent Andy the link!


So, did you take a look at Redbubble?



Also, being the cheeky bratwurst I am – I sent him a link to one of mine too – when he put out the call for more tees.

This one:


Uh oh – did I get it right??  Should I have sent this one instead??


Meh – maybe he’d find it on his own …….

After that, other than checking that the boy was eating ….. couldn’t have him starving slaving over the list without a little sustenance …..


…….. I sat back and waitered waited to see what Andy had cooked up for us this thyme time!

So without further fondue ado I present to you another bunch of great cotton eye candy goodness!


This is Not ... by a Paul

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This is not a blog post by me.  Really.  For my first blog post of the new decade I am honoured to have the most amazing Rupert Baxter as guest blogger!!

Take it away Mr Baxter! [insert thunderous applause]

This is not.....by a Paul

As my legions and legions of fans will already know, I have been concerned by the number of Pauls there are at RedBubble HQ, and was forced to take immediate t-shirt action and create this:

Office Uniform Part Two - Not Paul
Office Uniform Part Two - Not Paul

Since then I have noticed that perhaps this problem is more widespread than I first thought, and that I am not the only one fighting back. Please see astounding work by a 'Rob' to counter the 'Rise of the Pauls' terror that appears to be running rampantly through a city near you. (Although the tabloids are oddly quiet on the subject.)

So here I have compiled a list of excellent tees that are not about a Paul, or by a Paul. Not-Pauls, stand up and be counted.

Back off Martin

Back Off Martin

Not Cool
Not Cool

Mr Kinky

Feed Me

Feed Me


Mr Baxter - Chief Operating Officer of Keeping Pauls in Check


Check out Redbubble for yourself!

Get creative on redbubble.com

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